共為你找到:136筆dental major connector 相關企業資訊
◆MAJOR皮件精品 ◆於2008年創立 ◆精品皮件零售 ◆進口飾品 本公司門市需要口條清晰 具有服務熱誠 有服務業工作經驗 對於流行性商品喜愛者 我們歡迎你一起加入這充滿成就感及挑戰性的工作!
啟貿興業股份有限公司成立於民國82年, 主要從事連接器設計, 製造及銷售. 本公司在中國有二處生產據點, 主要客戶有FCI, TYCO等世界知名連接器大公司. 歡迎誠懇認真的朋友一起加入 我們的行列。 Kemax was founded in 1993. For more than 10 years, we have been strive for the manufacture and development of electrical connector. During the first years, we developed the auto pin-insert machine--ISA 98 PIN SLOT. In 1996, Golden Dragon Glory Electronics Factory was set up in Shenzhen City, China to manufacture the FPC series products. After that, we also expanded our product line to manufacture PCI SLOT AGP SLOT. Since Year 2000, we have devoted ourselves to producing power minifit connector, MCA slot, FPC, PLCC, and etc. The next year, we applied for the patent right of AIMM AGP slot, and in the same year, we succeeded to achieve the production goal of 1.5 million per month. At present, we have our product lines in place, such as MS, SD, 3GIO, DDR184, socket, CT connector and so on. For these years, it has been our belief to serve our clients better with the ideas of honesty, satisfaction creation.
敏傑資訊有限公司,致力於資訊科技產品的專業整合行銷、維修服務,目前服務的產品包括印表機 、繪圖機、發票機、影印機、傳真機 。 本公司以熱誠真情的服務為基礎,真誠的對待每一位客戶,以服務品質為發展之原則,希望我們所做的每一件事都能令您滿意,並期待我們快捷與專業的服務,能給您帶來工作上的便利,提升您的工作效能。 今後,我們仍以售後服務為主提供您專業性技術服務與整合行銷,持續提升專業的維修技能和維修設備,並建構完善的全省售後服務體系為目標。
Amer Sports (www.amersports.com) is the world’s leading sports equipment company with internationally recognized brands including Salomon, Wilson, Precor, Atomic, Suunto, Acr’teryx, Mavic and Bonfire. Amer Sports Group develops and manufactures technically advanced products that improve the performance of active sports participants. The Group’s business is balanced by our broad portfolio of sports and our presence in all major markets. To support the tremendous business growth, Amer Sports Group has established a HK based sourcing office, Amer Sports Sourcing Limited, to lead all Asia sourcing operations of its brands. Amer Sports Asia Sourcing is now looking for high caliber candidates with a passion for sports to join and grow with the Company for below listed vacancy.
Yersh Enterprise Co., Ltd was established in 1975 and entered the window covering industry with the traditional wood curtain pole focusing on two major points:Quality finish and reasonable costing. We have Two offices in Taiwan (located in Taichung, and Taipei)and Two factorys in Taichung Taiwan and in Xiamen China. The sales amount in 2006 reached to USD$27,000,000/ year Our products are popular in U.S.A, Japan, Australia and Europe...., and also enjoy NO. 1 reputation in industry. 設立時間:1975年 追求目標:優良的品質、合理的價格 公司評價:傳統產業中的ODM設計,品質生產力均居領導地位 行銷網:U.S.A. JAPAN, AUSTRALIA及歐洲各國 年營業額:USD$20,000,000
Nobel Biocare is the world leader in innovative esthetic dental solutions and a one-stop-shop for restorative esthetic dentistry, offering a wide range of innovative Crown Bridge Implant products, as well as training education and clinically documented treatment concepts. Our solutions enable dental specialists, general practitioners and dental technicians to offer patients high esthetic new teeth.
Main office is located in Taipei, factories are located in China and Vietnam. Major customers are mostly in Europe, especially in Italy and Spain. The products we made are high quality and high value tricot knits (sweater), and we required enthusiastic people to join our professional team.
E-tec is a renowned Swiss manufacturer of IC sockets and connectors 30 years experience in connector manufacturing Factories in Switzerland, Taiwan and mainland China Sales offices in Switzerland, Germany, France, UK and Taiwan Distributors and representatives in most other countries around the world Flexibility for custom specific products, connectors available from 0,50mm pitch upward, customized precision tuned pins, injection molded plastics precision stamping according to customer requirements. Manufacturer for several private brands. - Swiss Quality Products - Standard and custom specific injection molding - Tuned pins, pogo pins - Precision stamping - Custom design cables
福鹿內衣自西元1970年創業以來,即秉持著『勤儉立業』的創業精神,三十多年來穩定成長,由內衣、內褲等衣著類的製造販賣、之後又跨足孕婦裝及童裝等區塊,創業之初以外銷中東、香港等地區市場主要發展區域,近年逐漸轉型內著類的OEM專業廠。 邁進21世紀之際,福鹿公司將持續精進,秉持永續經營的理念,在誠信務實的基石上我們更以專業、服務、創新的理念軌道及節能環保產業的領域,為顧客提供專業的優質服務,展開多角化的經營,為持續的永續經營而共同努力。 Fulu Underwear Business was founded in 1970 as a down-to-earth enterprise. It has since been growing steadily from manufacturing lingerie and underwear to maternity and children clothing. Fulu started its business by exporting to Middle East, Hong Kong and other major countries. In recent years, Fulu has transformed itself to an underwear OEM expertise factory. As we enter the 21st century, Fulu will maintain its mission of continuous innovation and sustainable development. We are committed to providing our clients with high quality and professional service, and at the same time protect our environment. Fulu will continue to expand and diversify its business, and dedicating itself to a sustainable corporate concept of joint prosperity.
台灣不為人知的「世界第一」。我們以顧客健康利益為主軸,追求人類全品質健康生活為使命!」 走過第一個20年,美兆推動預防醫學的初衷始終如一;從高雄設立台灣第一家「醫檢分離 」的健康管理中心開始,我們用引以自豪的專利「MAJOR美兆自動化健檢服務系統」一步步擴展健康管理平台,躍向世界舞台‧‧‧但是我們不自滿,因為唯有不斷突破和創新,美兆才能永續經營、才能穩坐百年大業,為全球千千萬萬世人的健康謀最大福利。
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